Friday, July 24, 2009

The Joys of Fundraising!!

We are at the day before our Fundraising yard sale trying to raise money for the kids to travel to Brazil in September for the World Championships. 1st off, yard sales are always a hassle to begin with. That's why we only do them as a last resort and then we swear we will never let our crap pile up so high that we have to have another yard sale. But in this case we are actually going out and asking other people to donate their crap to us so we hopefully there will be enough crap to tempt the passersby to stop and take a look. Of course we only want the passersby to stop if they are serious about buying some of our newly donated crap to take home so that after the sale is over we won't have to take our crap along with all of our newly donated crap to the local Salvation Army so they can try to sell our crap.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all of the donations we have received so far and a lot of the crap we have received is excellent crap. It's just one more step in the process of getting to the World Championships. Can't wait to get to Brazil though!! USA will be represented very well!!

1 comment:

  1. haha...
    im not gonna lie that is quite fantastic haha. i don't think i have ever heard crap used so many times though, but nice job. =D lol.
    and i love the wwrd! =P
    ok going to bed now so i can get up early and sell all this "crap". haha.
    <3 Kenz
